Episode #008 Monica Packer // Overcoming Perfectionism and Embracing Progress

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A few quotes from our discussion on overcoming perfectionism:

“We can’t change who our kids are, we need to model how to deal with internal struggles so they will model us.”

“Shame hides in privacy, and I wanted to appear perfect in every way, so I hid my eating disorder from my parents.”

“Notice the good things kids do and recognize it, it will open the pathways of communication. Look at their eyes.”

“Have patience with yourself. Little things lead to big life changes.”

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Overcoming Perfectionism and Embracing Progress:

Welcome to episode #8 where I talk to Monica Packer, a fellow podcaster, and actually my MENTOR in the podcasting world. She has held my hand through the process of my starting this little passion project, and cheering me on, and for that I’ve been so grateful. We’ve never even met, but she’s been so patient with me and my incessant questions!

Monica refers to herself as a recovering perfectionist, with the motto “Life is about progress, not perfection.” She shares her thoughts on this in Her podcast titled, @AboutProgress and it is the only one I check each week. She interviews people who are striving to better themselves everyday, with interesting stories that I love. When I first heard her podcast and speaking about her journey with perfectionism, it really changed my mindset about how I need to understand the mind of a perfectionist, because I have children with those similar tendencies, and at times it worries me. Though I feel far from that way of thinking { I’ve been chastised when I refer to myself as “lazy.”} I’ve been grateful to hear how I can help my kids not put so much pressure on themselves.

She says she struggled with eating disorders from age 11 through college when she final realized enough was enough. Though she grew up in a loving, supportive household, she wanted so badly to be “perfect” that she didn’t want to share her eating disorder with her parents. A reminder to me that sometimes we can do “all the things” we think we should, but our children will still make their own choice and often HIDE THINGS FROM US!

I hope you’ll hop on over to Monica’s website, podcast, instagram at AboutProgress.com, or @AboutProgress on Instagram or searching it on itunes. I really admire her for sharing her story, in order to benefit others. Discuss this episode and others with me over at CapturingJoy.KristenDuke on Instagram.


See more parenting podcast episodes and topics at the Beyond Good Intentions homepage.

Overcoming Perfectionism and Embracing Progress after eating disorders

In this episodes, I shared this Podcast review from iTunes: “As a busy, busy mom, my plate is full. But I crave the interaction and learning you only get from other parents who speak your same language. This is why I am beyond excited for this podcast. It allows me what I sometimes feel is a luxury, of listening and learning from the comfort of wherever I am. No pressure, no time constraints, it meets me where I am.” -Mrs. Sweet as Honey

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