Adversity Quote: Every Flower Must Grow Through Dirt

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I love this Adversity Quote: Every Flower Must Grow Through Dirt. Print off this quote and coloring page to hang in your home and act as a reminder to your children.Adversity Quote Every Flower Must Grow Through Dirt

Talk to your kids about adversity

Every flower must grow through dirt, what a great visual, right? When you stop to think about this adversity quote the image of a beautiful flower coming from dirt, is truly remarkable! It’s a great conversation to have with your kids. Do it in the car, at the dinner table, before they go to bed, you know when those golden moments are.

I think we often times see beautiful people or fancy cars and think they have everything perfect in life. I know at least a lot of kids think that way. But everyone, EVERYONE has hard things, and the “dirt” of life does not exempt anyone.

How to use this adversity quote

I love to have inspirational signs hung all over my home. I hang them in random places by light switches, or on the bathroom mirror. I want those images ingrained in my kids heads so that they might play through their mind when they are out and about and living their day. And who doesn’t love a coloring page, making it their own? It’s a great activity for relaxation, or just for fun. Do it while listening to a podcast, watching a movie, etc.

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