Photography Client Checklist

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Alright, here is a photography tip someone was asking me, about my workflow with a client from start to finish.  Oh my, I try…try to be organized.  It all comes together…eventually, but I am often leaving myself with hand written chicken scratch like this craziness in the month of November:

(pic taken with my phone)

November was crazy, I had 23 different clients I was juggling at once with taking, editing, blogging, ordering, or something for each.  I’d put down where I was and check it off when I did it. Though you see 3 main steps above (blog, gallery, order) there are about 21 steps from the time a client contacts me to the time the order is delivered. Right around the time of this chicken scratch, Jen from I heart organizing came into my life.  I needed SOMETHING else!  I asked Jen if she would create a document for me to help me get organized with my clients.  One sheet with a checklist.  This is what she made, and I LOVE it!!!

Can I say hallelujah?  Oh yes. It is a step by step of all of the things I do with a client from start to finish. This just brings joy to my heart.  I printed this off, and mine is hanging right next to my computer monitor so I can write and check things off as I do them at the computer.

You can get your very own–customized with your logo–in her etsy shop, Personalized Business Client Checklist Printable, here, for $10.

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