Doctrine & Covenants Doctrinal Mastery Cards

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Doctrine & Covenants Doctrinal Mastery scriptures make learning easy with these printable cards for students and families!

I taught *early morning seminary for 4 years, and I really emphasized my passion for the importance of striving to memorize scriptures, if only partially. I created these fun and colorful scripture cards to help myself, my students, and my family better visualize the words. I believe memorizing helps so much in the long run, recall scriptures later in life.

*Seminary is a scripture study class for teenagers at my church. It’s a volunteer job. I don’t get paid, but I LOVE it! It starts at 5:45am and goes until 6:35 each weekday morning, before they head off to high school.

Seminary Doctrine and Covenants Scripture Mastery Cards

Seminary Scripture Mastery and Doctrinal Mastery Cards

I’ve previously shared these scripture cards for:

PURCHASE Scripture Cards HERE

I am REALLY excited about this set!

This set comes with 2 PDF documents:

  1. All 25 scriptures in 8×10 form to hang in your classroom or in your home (I introduce them one by one and hang them as we study them for a week).
  2. All 25 scriptures–4 to a page–so that each student can have a bookmark.  Either print in color or black and white for them to color on the first day it’s introduced. I would often print in black and white and have colors out for them to color on Monday mornings when they received them. These make a great gathering activity!

Doctrine and Covenant Seminary Cards

The image above is a great summary of what these Doctrine and Covenants seminary cards are like, visuals to help us remember the words, but also including every word in the scripture. I’ve given away a few free scriptures on my site from other books if you’d like a closer look, go to my: Memorize a Scripture series for a few free scripture cards.

To purchase this set of 25 Doctrine and Covenants Scripture Doctrinal Mastery Cards for $10, click on the button below.

PURCHASE Scripture Cards HERE

Please don’t share the digital download with others, but I’d love you to share this link with fellow teacher friends or family friends that may enjoy this as well. A PIN or social media share also helps if you love them!

I love to share parenting teen chats on Instagram if you’d like to join! Go to: @KristenDukeChats

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