Teaching Kindness

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Teaching Kindness to our kids takes much more than simply saying “be kind” as they walk out the door each day. We must be intentional in our discussions, in talking about specifics.

Teaching Kindness

I decided I wanted more sharing of conversation over on Instagram, so I started the #IntentionalParentingProject where we will discuss a value that we want to teach our kids each month (it will continue to have more added to it, where the KINDNESS hashtag below will not). We kicked it off with teaching kindness, and this is the recap of the thoughts shared over there. If you search the hashtag, you’ll find all the posts and discussion, and if you want to download and print the Kindness Quotes to slip in your kids lunches or tape on their mirror, click that link.

Conversations on Kindness

Below is a recap of our August theme: Kindness. To view all the specifics of the discussions on Instagram, search the hashtag: #IntentionalParentingProjectKINDNESS to read each discussion.

Our discussion topic of the month kicked off with a BANG! over on Instagram. I’ve been so delighted at the sharing of ideas, and love the feedback.

  • Look out for the lonely–teaching our kids to watch for others that may need a friend, do so by modeling
  • Good Sportsmanship–are you encouraging kindness in sports? Read all about the tips on that link. (From “it’s not fair” to not playing dirty)
  • Pay compliments— I found this print online that was a helpful reminder. If we compliment our kids and praise when they do, it will encourage them to continue in that effort.
  • Forgiveness–It’s not always easy, but it’s an important aspect of kindness
  • Sarcasm–I don’t like “just joking” At the root, it’s un-kind
  • Praise what you want to raise–use the words “that was kind” in your compliments to your kids
  • Be kind to yourself— I liked the list on this print
  • Invite a Family over for dinner (READ THE CHALLENGE)–something I’ve always been passionate about! Read the link to see what holds people back and how to overcome your fear!
  • Gossip–don’t pass it on!
  • Random Acts of Kindness–be thoughtful, reach out, serve
  • It’s Nice to Be Important, but it’s more Important to be Nice–my favorite quote that hangs on the wall of my home. It’s a form of bullying to tease in order to feel important.
  • Yelling–I used to do it, and I didn’t like how I felt. Read the continued thoughts under the hashtag link.

And don’t forget to print the KINDNESS quotes! Click on the link or image to go to the post and print!


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