Halloween Activities for Teens

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One of the easiest ways to host a Halloween activities for teens night is to have pumpkin carving. Details below on how to host your own pumpkin carving.

In the past I have hosted a teen halloween party with lots of short games, but my kids don’t always love games (and it’s quite a bit of effort to regularly transition). So I thought that pumpkin carving was a great alternative solution. It’s perfect because it takes a lot of time, allows for unique creativity, and fosters conversation all at the same time.

The guests were all asked to bring their own pumpkin (BYOP) and if they had carving tools to bring them as well. I gathered a bunch of tools myself, and bought a few cheap kits, but we had about 30 kids coming, so I didn’t want to have to buy all of that! Smaller groups may not need to bring supplies.

Pumpkin Carving

Pumpkin Carving is a great Halloween Activity for Teens and kids of all ages.  We set up 4-6 folding tables in our backyard, borrowing several. I purchased orange, green, and purple plastic tablecloths to make it festive, and for easy clean up. I had to tape them down to the table as well.

The kids carved pumpkins for a solid 2 hours. It was so fun to watch them and their creativity soar, as well as enjoy conversation. We had some music going that changed between a halloween playlist and some of their favorites.

I wish I would have thought to gather some lanterns, it was dark and our back porch lights didn’t spread as far as I would have liked. Here is a list of needed supplies to plan ahead.

Pumpkin Carving Party Supplies:

    • tea lights (flameless)
    • matches/lighter
    • knives
    • carving kit
    • plastic tablecloths
    • Giant garbage bags
    • Lantern/lights


Halloween Party Food

I’ve done so many Halloween parties, and sometimes I have people bring something fun and festive, but this time I just gathered a few things because I was having them bring pumpkins. I always aim to not have them bring more than ONE thing, as I don’t want it to prohibit anyone from coming from overwhelm.

Outdoor Movie Theater

Scary movies are always a great Halloween activity for teens.  I borrowed a giant inflatable screen from a friend and set up a movie theater with camping chairs and outdoor blankets to watch a scary movie. We thought Wait Until Dark was the perfect solution for a middle of the road scary.  Scary movies are always a great Halloween Activity for Teens.  A bunch of kids preferred to socialize which was fine, and some watched the movie.

Here are some products I found on Amazon that would be perfect for your own outdoor movie theater:

You can see more great ideas for teens on my Instagram page.

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